Visions and Values

Staff and governors and children worked together to decide what was important to them and what made Woodlands the place to be!

Everything we do is underpinned by our key beliefs which make up the Woodlands value statement:

Our Vision

At Woodlands we put children’s needs first. We work in partnership with parents, the community and outside agencies. Through our high aspirations we aim to challenge, inspire and motivate children; we encourage them to reach their maximum potential and promote a sense of fulfilment.

Our Aims

We aim to create an excellent school that:

We are an inclusive school. We are going for the School of Sanctuary award and we have signed their pledge.

School of Sanctuary pledge

  • values and respects everyone

  • supports and guides children both personally and academically

  • provides a safe and nurturing environment

We aim to develop successful children who:

  • achieve and flourish

  • take ownership of their learning

  • believe in themselves

We aim to provide an effective curriculum that:

  • promotes high standards and encourages independence

  • is accessible for all children and relevant to their needs

  • prepares children for their future lives

Our Values

Through our teaching we reinforce our three ‘R’ values

Respect Responsibility Resilience

As we discussed this with the children, they asked if we could have a motto and decided on Be happy, Be wise