Parent Feedback

At Woodlands we work hard to get it right! We value the views of parents and welcome any suggestions you may have that will make school a better place. Please speak to any member of staff or Miss Fleetwood if you have something to share. 

In 2020 we used the Ofsted Parent View to gauge our parent’s opinions, we were pleased with the outcomes as most parents were extremely positive about the school. Particularly about children feeling safe and the effective way we deal with bullying. However, there were a small number of parents who were not as positive in all areas. These have been analysed fully in the document below.

In 2022 we gathered your views again and this time the main issues were communication and homework. Both of these areas have been affected by disruption during the pandemic, however, as outlined in our analysis below, we have tried to address these areas.

Sex Education

Following our recent RSE consultation, we have taken our parent’s views into consideration and have made some changes to our RSE curriculum. You can find our updated RSE curriculum overview and information regarding how Sex Education is delivered throughout the school in our overview below. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact school.